Thursday, August 03, 2006

Look at what I found

So I was going in to bathroom when I saw somwthing move all quick like, So I look down and follow the movement, to my surprise I found my little friend. He was trying to eat my Face. So Ali jumped up on the table as I "Put it outside"* just like The King Asshat always says too.

*by put it outside i mean I crushed his ass with a shoe and flushed the bitch down the toilet lol


discipline_is_wisdom said...

hahahaha lol argh! man, i love you jon.

The King Asshat said...

HA, there for a second I thought you didn't suck. But I was wrong...


I hope you're not infering that the spider is a large specimen, I know you've seen much larger in my house.

Ewokrage said...

Not large no, just using the pen to show the scale cuz its hard to tell on the carpet

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