Wednesday, September 27, 2006

" best a dirty trick"

Plagarised from USA Today

The policy director for Representative Charlie Bass- R- N.H., resigned Tuesday after admitting to posing as a Democratic supporter on two liberal blog pages, Bass' office said. Tad Furtado posted messages on Blue Granite and NH-02 Progressive saying Bass' opponet, Democrat Paul Hodes, was a lost cause. Furtado's online alte egos, IndyNH and IndieNH, suggested that Hodes supporters focus on states like New York and Connecticut.
Sensing something was amiss, Laura Clawson and Mike Caulfield, who run the blogs, traced the poster to Bass' office. Bass apologised and said Furtado posted without his knowledge. Hodes spokesman Reid Cherlin deemed the postings "at best a dirty trick." 9-27-06


OK so I want to hear your reaction to this kind of thing. What do you guys think this does to the credibility of Republicans? Do you think your reaction would be the same if it had been a Democrat instead of a Republican? Personally, I think the biggest distinction between the two is what color they wave. I hate people sometimes. You know what I'm sayin', dawg!?!


The King Asshat said...

I never really thought the Repubs were credible in the first place, along with the dems.

The virtual (or not?) two party system we currently have in the US is destroying the very basis of our democratic society.

I vote with the Wigs!!!

discipline_is_wisdom said...

i think there's an H in whigs

The King Asshat said...

I think you're right, but you should STFU anyway...

Oh, check yer email too...

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